I am an evangelical Christian and I'm not going to try to hide that. This blog is where I write about moral, ethical, and other social issues through the lens of Biblical Christianity.

Heavenly Father,

It is only through the work of the Holy Spirit and of Jesus Christ that we can come to you in prayer today. We know that we are wicked and sinful, and we deserve eternal punishment for our infinite sins against an infinite, awesome God. And yet, we are so thankful that you have sp...

Lately, I have become increasingly reminded about the pervasiveness of Islam. Specifically, I have seen clearly that it is perhaps the largest obstacle that Christians around the world face today when sharing the gospel. Muslims have been extremely hostile to Christians, so hostile in fact, that...

While I generally can't speak to the situation in other languages, in English, all of the best and most widely used translations of the Bible are bound by strict copyright that prevents scripture from being freely distributed online, or even in print. The English Standard Version (ESV), New American...

It has been quite a while since I have last written. This is in part because I have been so busy and have thus seldom had the time to actually sit down and write. It is also in part because I have struggled to come up with topics on which to write. And it is because I am still trying to find a satis...

Warning: This post is incomplete. I started it in December of 2023, but never got the opportunity to complete it. Now, in April, I have decided to just publish what I have because it may be a useful starting point. Please be aware of any typos or incomplete/incorrectly cited information. Also exc...

This morning, a close friend of mine asked me these questions:

What do you think about free speech? What should be illegal, if anything?

He also asked if I've done any writing on the topic already. I have not, but I think this is a great topic for a blog post, so I thought I'd one with my re...

As the year comes to a close, so does the Bible study that I've been working on all year. This year, my fiancee and I read the entire New Testament, so naturally, in December we've been reading the revelation of John, as it is the last book of the New Testament. One passage in particular stands out...

Wilder Penfield, in his book The Mystery of the Mind, published at the end of his career as a very successful neurosurgeon, described the brain as very similar to a computer. He went into a bit more detail on that, but people tend to take what he said out of context, and liken the human brain to "no...

Up until very recently, while I never really liked guns, I supported the right to own them, granted by the second ammendment of the U.S. Constitution. In other words, while I myself never intended on owning a gun, I never really had a problem with other people owning them. My rationale for this is t...

It is a fairly common belief that there are parts of human existence that are just plain wrong. Humanity seems to have an intuitive understanding that things are not the way they ought to be, which leads one to conclude that evil, as we typically think of it, does in fact exist. Not only that, but...

As a Christian, I think it is very important to consult the Bible on tricky social matters. Even though it doesn't explicitly say anything on a lot of social issues, it expresses an underlying worldview that can shape our own judgment of social issues. Now, this may sound like I'm saying we should "...

This is my formal and official opinion on the procedure commonly known as "abortion." It has come up a lot in recent times, so I thought it best to codify my opinion in writing. Note that when I say "opinion," I am using it in the legal sense—that is, in the same sense that the decisions made by the...

This post was written by my wife, who at the time was my girlfriend.

I have always been a critic of society, so in a way, my adoption of the Christian faith has fit right into the alternative lifestyle I have always lived. Having Biblically-based Christianity as a lens through which I see lif...

I think perhaps one of the greater arguments for the Christian lifestyle and in opposition to a secular, hedonistic lifestyle is that there is such great freedom to be found in the former. Now, you may ask: how can a life of restraint, flight from immorality, and continual repentance and prayer to...

A few weeks ago, I was asked about how our own choices and actions interact with God's will. The question was essentially this:

How do we reconcile the fact that God controls every aspect of our lives, and yet holds us responsible for our actions?

This is perhaps the most difficult question...

We are an extremely anxious generation. Despite being the most technologically advanced in all of history, and having the longest life expectancies and access to the best medicines, we are so anxious. In Bertrand Russell's "Why I Am Not a Christian," he states a potential cause for our anxiety:
