Software Developer & Systems Administrator

I am currently a professional software developer, and I also spend a lot of time with computers in my personal life as well. I run my own home server so I know a lot about networking and systems administration. I also have a lot of experience in the I.T. field, so I'm good at problem solving and working with end users.

Here is just a short list of some of the things I do, either professionally or in my free time. If you're interested in hiring me, please do not hesitate to contact me. Do feel free to also review my Resumé and CV.

  • Websites: I've built many websites for myself, my family, and my friends. I'm familiar with HTML, CSS, and Javascript, as well as CMS software such as WordPress and Grav. I have written websites in PHP and Python.
  • Private & Secure Online Services: I self-host my email, file storage, and contacts/calendars/tasks syncing. I am very familiar with the software stack that enables me to do this, which includes Linux, Nextcloud, and all the email stuff (IMAP, SMTP, LMTP, etc).
  • Automation: I can't stand doing something more than once, so I write many scripts to automate my life. I mainly automate web scraping, and I specialize in data processing, and can automate tasks involving spreadsheets, or large amounts of files.
  • Web Scraping: I have a lot of experience scraping the web to download, process, and convert information. Whether it is downloading music from websites like, videos from YouTube, or extracting article text and metadata from a website, I can automate a variety of web scraping tasks.
  • I.T. Consulting: Most of the people in my life are not very tech-saavy, and that's okay! I'm happy to bridge the gap between them and technology. I'm told that I am very good at working with people. I listen well and I am good at problem solving.
  • Digital Typesetting: Even though I'm not really a graphic or web designer, one of my interests is document typesetting. I love producing beautiful articles and papers with LaTeX, Troff, or even PostScript directly to get pixel-perfect typographical output. I know what good document design looks like, and I spend way too much time trying to achieve it.