This is my content mirror. It is updated periodically by a cron script, and hosts content that is interesting or important to me. The content here is content that I fear losing. I want to always have it available for myself and for others, and I don't trust the source that it came from. This is mostly subscription-style content, which means that it is updated periodically and my scripts fetch new content daily: - YouTube videos - Podcasts - Open-source software - Music I also host some content that is no longer being updated due to technical constraints or the fact that the content is static and not growing: - Facebook Videos - Recordings of cassettes, CDs, or floppy disks The content is stored on my server in a rather rudimentary fashion. My scripts simply dump the files into dedicated folders, and shove metadata into an SQLite3 database. I fully understand that this likely isn't very helpful at all. However, the metadata should all be accurate, so you could always download this content and have your media player scan it. The reason I haven't gone through and sorted all this content by hand is mainly because it is being added to constantly, and I just don't have the time for that. My idea is to just have all the raw data until I need it. Then, when the country collapses and I don't have internet access, I can go through and sort things out. If you see a technical problem with the content on this mirror, such as it being out of date or corrupt, please contact me and let me know so I can fix it. If you would like me to mirror content for you, please contact me so I can discuss that with you. If you are offended by the content on this mirror, it's likely that other people are too, which is precisely why I have it here, so that it can't be removed by circumstances out of my control. Regarding the legality of the content itself, and my having it on my own server... that's a bit of a gray area. The content itself is all legal in the United States at this time (though I foresee that changing in the future) but YouTube's terms of service are vague. If I can download a view and stream it through my browser, I see no reason I can't do so through a script instead.